LANDRY: The Clinton-Edwards Insult

It seems that the latest play by career politicians is to attack those who disagree as backwards. According to recent revelations and interviews, if you maintain a faith in traditional doctrine - you are "backwards."

Last week, in an interview with the Times Picayune, John Bel Edwards said that I was "a backwards-thinking attorney general" for upholding the rule of law against his unconstitutional power grab. This insult followed a similar attack by the Hillary Clinton campaign who mocked the Catholic faith as "severely backwards" when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage.

While I am offended by these insults, I am not dismayed by them. In fact, I am emboldened to continue doing what you elected me to do: enforce the laws enacted by your duly-elected representatives and protect your freedoms.

For too long - Catholics, Christians, and other people of faith have come under attack by people like Clinton, Edwards, and others who wish to subvert the moral foundations upon which our great State and Nation were built.

As Bill Donohue of the Catholic League recently said of this "stunning movement" in American politics, "bigotry is measured by words and deeds. It doesn't turn on demographic characteristics of the person. If their message is bigoted, then it's bigoted. If their deeds are bigoted, then they're bigoted."

As for me, I will not be intimidated or cower to the Clinton-Edwards attacks on our individual liberty and traditional values. Rather - I will continue to defend our Constitution, the will of the people, and common decency.

I hope you will stand with me in this worthy cause.

For Louisiana,
Jeff Landry