VIDEO: Senator Cassidy Kitchen Table Wins!

In anticipation of Senator Bill Cassidy qualifying for re-election later this week, Louisiana Legacy has released a video highlighting the senior senator's six years in the United States Senate, with the help of conservative legislators from all across the state. 

Since defeating Mary Landrieu in 2014, Senator Cassidy has quickly become a leader in Washington D.C. on issues like healthcare, energy, and now, combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Senator Cassidy has fought for families and often tackled what he calls "kitchen table issues" -- those that impact everyday, hard working Americans. He partnered with President Trump's daughter and White House Advisor Ivanka Trump to pass the Paid Family Leave Act helping families navigate the crucial first years of a child's life. He has championed mental health awareness and assistance for Veterans; he has fought to bring transparency to medical billing and reduce the cost of prescription drugs. Here in Louisiana, he has worked to protect our coast and safeguard our oil and gas jobs. 
Six years is simply not enough. We need Bill for six more! 

We need to re-elect US Senator Bill Cassidy for US Senate!

Posted on July 22, 2020 and filed under Bill Cassidy, Louisiana.