Scott Angelle: Joe Biden's energy policy a twofer, raising prices and insulting energy workers

Former Lt. Gov. Scott A. Angelle was director of the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement in the Trump administration.

Just last month on Labor Day we observed the significant contributions of America’s labor force. Let us call on the nation’s energy policymakers to once again unleash the innovation, inspiration, perspiration and dedication of the American energy worker to help reduce gasoline prices, lower inflation and favor climate-advantaged production from the United States over often less climate-advanced production from foreign sources.

Building Back Better is only attainable with energy made possible by American energy workers.

Read more: Scott Angelle: Joe Biden's energy policy a twofer, raising prices and insulting energy workers

Posted on October 12, 2021 and filed under Scott Angelle, Oil and Gas.