Higgins Voting Against Democrats’ $4T Socialist Spending Bill

From Congressman Clay Higgins’ Facebook page:

2100 pages of socialist legislation. A bill that devours your children’s future, and their children as well. Generations yet unborn will suffer under the weight of this oppression.

The Democrats will pass this legislation tonight through the House. Despite months of battle… although I fought against these bills with everything I had… the left will get this monstrosity passed tonight, all on their own, because Republicans in the Senate and the House helped them pass the so called infrastructure bill last week. That bill was the gateway for this one.

America is imperiled from within. I’m in the fight my Brothers and Sisters. Over the coming weeks, I’ll work with a handful of actual Constitutionalists in the Senate, and We will try to stop this thing over there.

God put me in this fight for a reason. I’m not giving up. I will not kneel.

Posted on November 19, 2021 and filed under Clay Higgins.