A bill to give parents legal recourse if their child is denied school admittance based on their vaccination status passes in House Education

Photo source: Ballotpedia

A bill to allow parents to bring a lawsuit against the entity that prevents a student’s entry to a school on the basis of their immunization status advances from House Education. Houma Representative Beryl Amedee’s bill will give parents legal recourse if their child is denied admittance because they opted out of any vaccination.

“A state agency is supposed to enforce this, and the legal remedy is when they don’t a parent can sue. This is all the bill does is add that already existing option into the statutes,” said Amedee.

Read more: A bill to give parents legal recourse if their child is denied school admittance based on their vaccination status passes in House Education

Posted on May 11, 2022 and filed under Coronavirus.