LAGOP: The Raid of President Trump's Home

The August 8th raid on the residence of former President Trump is a precarious harbinger for the United States of America. The idea that the home of a former Chief Executive of the United States would be searched and then documents and materials seized in a fashion similar to a high level white collar or even dangerous criminal is startling and troubling. No one is above the law, but no one should be beneath the law, nor beyond the framework of respect due an ordinary citizen. A simple subpoena or call to Trump’s lawyers would have been a more appropriate action.

A politically-motivated and controlled Federal Bureau of Investigations and Department of Justice are two of the most dangerous things we can have in the United States of America. All aspects of investigations in our country must be politically-agnostic, and the actions of the DOJ (which includes the FBI) reek of partisanship and an effort end the political life of an individual who happens to in opposition to the current presidential administration. The events of 8 August on the face seem to be politically motivated and part of the effort to squash both an individual and a political movement.

The LAGOP resolutely stands for the rule of law throughout the United States of America. All citizens in this country deserves EVERY aspect of due process, the presumption of innocence and equal treatment under the law. Law enforcement, intelligence and the armed forces of this country must be politically neutral and in place ONLY to serve the public interest and to protect the integrity and safety of our citizenry and our country. What we have seen unfold in the news in the last 24 hours is troubling at best, and should give all Louisianians pause and concern. The LAGOP calls on all facets of law enforcement to resist being weaponized for any political purposes. Our republic will rise and fall on the principles of this country being run by the consent of the governed, and not at the whims of political bickering between parties.

If the United States and subsequently Louisiana are to remain free, we must all make a concerted to hold all facets of government and especially those executing governmental duties accountable for their actions. If the FBI and DOJ discover criminality in their searches, so be it. If they do not, they are duty bound to report both their actions and the results of the earth-shattering developments of the 8th of August, 2022. In turn, if the FBI and DOJ are engaging in criminal behavior, then they should be held accountable. If one person in our nation loses his or her civil liberties in a manner than is outside the bounds of law, then the liberties of all are in jeopardy. Free people should not fear their government, and the government should not behave in a way that intimidates, intrudes nor creates an atmosphere of fear.

Posted on August 10, 2022 and filed under Donald Trump, LAGOP.