Pineville, Louisiana- In the wake of recent political turmoil in Washington, D.C., State Representative Mike Johnson reaffirms his commitment to keeping the influence of D.C. politics out of Louisiana. Johnson voiced his concerns about the chaos unfolding in the nation's capital and its potential impact on the Pelican State.

"This week, a small portion of Republicans worked with Democrats to remove the Speaker and paralyze the government in Washington, D.C.," Johnson said. "This same model was used in Baton Rouge four years ago to select a Speaker. We cannot let that happen again."

Recognizing the need for unity and integrity in the selection of the next Speaker of the House in Louisiana, Representative Johnson established a unity pledge for all members of the Louisiana House Republican Delegation. This initiative aims to ensure that the state's leadership remains focused on the best interests of Louisiana and its citizens.

"We have received a tremendous response from the incumbents in the house and candidates for open seats." Johnson continued. "We are on the verge of positive change for our state. With the chance of a Republican governor and supermajorities in both chambers, we will have an opportunity to fundamentally change our state for the better - we cannot squander this!"

State Representative Mike Johnson, echoing the sentiments of many Louisianians, calls upon ALL Republicans in the House and ALL Republican Candidates to commit to the Voters of Louisiana to unify in the selection of the next Speaker of the House of Representatives in Louisiana.

"Louisiana deserves leadership that puts the needs of our state first," Johnson concluded. "By pledging to uphold the values of unity and integrity in this important decision, we can ensure that Louisiana remains a beacon of strong, principled governance.

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Posted on October 11, 2023 and filed under Louisiana.