Chairman Gurvich Responds to Biden's State of the Union Speech

BATON ROUGE, LA— Finish the job? Really? What a bizarre slogan for Joe Biden to use in his State of the Union speech last night. Irony seems to be a word with which Joe Biden is not familiar, but then there are quite a few words in the English language with which Joe Biden is not familiar.

Before moving on to briefly note the political lies, distortions,  and inaccuracies contained within his speech, allow me to conclude my personal attack on this most immoral and corrupt of all presidents, by noting that Joe Biden stole the slogan “finish the job” from one of the most important speeches ever given by Winston Churchill, in the darkest days of 1942. But then plagiarism is nothing new for this president, who has spent an entire career stealing bits and pieces of speeches given by earlier American and British politicians.

As for the content of the speech itself, we cannot accuse Joe Biden of hiding his misstatements and lies within it, because the entire speech is one long and ugly diatribe against truth and common sense. For the sake of brevity (and because so many other commentators have already demolished Joe Biden’s claims), his arguments for the success of his woke, wasteful, and tyrannical regime seem to focus on the logical fallacy that because things are not going as badly and as quickly as they were six months ago, Joe Biden’s presidency has been a great success.

To take credit for these “successes,” all one has to do is ignore the fact that under Donald Trump’s presidency prices were stable and your dollars were worth about fifteen percent more than they are today; wokeness and its bitter fruit were not official administration policy; the world was a much safer place in which to live, especially for the women of Afghanistan.

So prices keep rising and the cost of living keeps going up, as our children are subjected to Marxist claptrap in schools and the media incites race hatred among our people. Meanwhile, we are told to be ashamed of our country as millions of illegal migrants pour across its borders. And for this we can thank Joe Biden!

If you haven’t seen Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ response to Biden’s awful SOTU speech, you can watch below. 

Louis Gurvich, Chairman
Republican Party of Louisiana

Posted on February 8, 2023 and filed under Joe Biden, LAGOP.