Letter to the Editor: Stop Aiding Chinese

Dear Editor,
I am deeply concerned about the legislation currently being pushed by liberal Senator Dick Durbin that would benefit Chinese credit card companies at the expense of American small businesses. This bill would require credit card companies to partner with at least two unaffiliated network providers, including China Union Pay, which has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

It is alarming to see how China is trying to steal American data, and this bill would only make it easier for them to do so. Allowing a Chinese credit card company to access our personal information is like inviting a spy balloon to hover over every single American with a credit card and take whatever data they want.

This legislation is a classic example of Democrat policy that hurts Americans rather than helping them. By partnering with China Union Pay, Americans' information will be freely handed over to the CCP, giving China an unfair advantage over our small businesses. This will only make it more challenging for small businesses that are already struggling to compete in the market.

It's crucial to remember that Communist China remains the most significant threat to our country. We need to be careful and vigilant, and the last thing we should be doing is giving them an opportunity to hurt us. I am grateful that Louisiana has Senators Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy who continually put Louisianans' interests first and oppose any pro-China bills that could harm our country.

Senator Durbin and the Chinese Communist Party must be stopped, and I hope that Senators Cassidy and Kennedy will continue to stand firm against this harmful legislation. Louisiana deserves strong leaders who will protect our credit cards from those who wish America ill.

DK Willard

Posted on May 12, 2023 and filed under Democrats.