Louisiana Family Forum Statement On Edwards' Veto of HB648

Friday, June 30, 2023 (BATON ROUGE) –

Today, John Bel Edwards fulfilled one of the worst promises he has ever made to Louisiana as Governor. Using a veto pen, JBE ignored the life-long threats to children by those who seek to profit from sexualizing minors without consideration of the serious harm and mental anguish that these false medical promises deliver. Governor Edwards has no right to harm a single child, yet he just did!

By issuing a veto of HB648, Governor Edwards has ignored the will of the people as expressed by their elected representatives and embraced a radical agenda that places (aberrant) adult desires over the protection of children.

HB648 by Rep. Gabe Firment protects children from politicized medical procedures. HB648 protects minors from the harms of medical experimentation in the form of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries. By enacting this urgently needed policy, Louisiana would have joined 20 other states that have passed similar legislation, which is overwhelmingly supported by a vast majority of Louisiana.

Elected officials have a duty to protect residents’ health and safety. This responsibility is even more essential when the protection of vulnerable children is involved. Children who experience discomfort with their biological sex deserve dignity and respect and need compassionate, effective mental health care. Unfortunately, political activists and profit-driven gender clinics have deceived many into believing that life-altering and sterilizing puberty blockers and surgeries would solve this struggle. Such “treatment” may yield profits for providers, but the data shows it only brings harm and regret to recipients. 

The Louisiana Senate voted 29-10, and the House voted 71-24 in a bi-partisan fashion in favor of HB648. Denominational leaders from around Louisiana implored the Governor to protect children in a recent letter.

Members of the Louisiana Legislature are now faced with the responsibility to ensure what the Governor has failed to do – Protect children and restore the “do no harm” standard of practice over the medical care provided to children.

Gene Mills, President of Louisiana Family Forum, holds that “Failing to override the governor’s veto on HB648, is a dereliction of an elected official’s duty to protect children. A veto override session is not optional, it is obligatory this year, especially now that the health and welfare of children is at stake.“

LFF’s message to the Legislature is:  Protect Louisiana children. Override the Governor’s veto. Ensure that HB648 becomes law.

Posted on July 1, 2023 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.