Energy Industry Restores Our Coast and Protects Our Communities

Lawsuits against the energy industry are holding Louisiana back

Outside of charitable partnerships and investments, Louisiana’s energy industry is the number one private investor in our state’s coastal program. In a recent letter to the editor, Grow Louisiana Coalition executive director Marc Ehrhardt explains how revenues generated from offshore lease sales and energy production fund coastal restoration and hurricane protection through the Coastal Impact Assistance Program and the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA).

Not surprisingly, frivolous lawsuits against the energy industry have led to nothing and contributed $0 to coastal restoration. Instead, these lawsuits continue perpetuating the harmful lawsuit culture impacting Louisiana’s potential. Louisiana’s energy industry is restoring our coast and protecting our communities, not lawsuits.

"Over the last 15 years, Louisiana’s energy industry has contributed more than $1 billion to coastal restoration and hurricane protection through the Coastal Impact Assistance Program and the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act."

-- Marc Ehrhardt, Grow Louisiana Coalition Executive Director

Read more: Letters: Energy industry is building the coast

Posted on July 7, 2023 and filed under Louisiana, Oil and Gas.