Posts filed under David Vitter

John Bel Edwards Claims He Never Voted for Tax Increases in the Last Legislative Session

Photo source: Twitter

Photo source: Twitter

During the gubernatorial debate last night between John Bel Edwards and David Vitter, Rep. Edwards made the claim that he never voted for a tax increase during the 2015 Louisiana Legislative Session.  As noted in the release from the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI) last night, Edwards voted for more than $700 million in tax increases in the last session:

“Tonight, Rep. Edwards’ rhetoric on tax increases did not match his career voting record,” said Brian Landry, vice president of LABI Political Action. “He claimed he did not support tax increases last session, despite the fact he clearly helped raise them by at least $700 million. He also claimed he supports spending cuts and efficiencies, despite the fact he has vocally opposed them in the Legislature.”

In fact, Edwards did vote for tax increases, as evident in the approval of the final budget, which Edwards supported.

Edwards has a lifetime voting record of 29% with LABI, while Vitter has a lifetime voting record of 95%.  His rhetoric of being a "conservative" doesn't match up with his voting record regarding taxes and he shouldn't be trusted with the future of the Louisiana.  The budget crisis we are facing here in this state cannot be trusted in the hands of another liberal Obama Democrat.

Posted on November 17, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

John Bel Edwards Skips a Discussion on Issues Regarding People of Faith for Fundraiser in a Nightclub

In what we reported yesterday, John Bel Edwards decided to skip a forum sponsored by local churches in Baton Rouge, as well as the Louisiana Baptist Message and the Louisiana Family Forum.  The Hayride has reported that the reason for the absence was due to Edwards' campaign attending a fundraiser at a New Orleans nightclub called Lyve New Orleans.  The Hayride also posted a photo of the Instagram account for this nightclub which is below:

Photo source: The Hayride

Photo source: The Hayride

Edwards has been critical of Vitter's admitted past indiscretions and claims to be a man of "honor", but skips a forum on faith and family issues to attend a fundraiser at a nightclub of this sort?  Is this the "honor code" that Edwards lives by day in and day out? 

Voters need to wake up to the real John Bel Edwards.  He's a Barack Obama liberal and is not the moderate Democrat he makes himself out to be.  The election is less than two weeks away and the same state that rid itself of Mary Landrieu cannot turn this state back over to another Democrat.  Do the right thing and support the real conservative in this race, David Vitter.

Posted on November 13, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

David and Willie

Photo source: YouTube  

Photo source: YouTube  

The Vitter campaign has released another video highlighting Vitter's acknowledged failures, but emphasizing biblical redemption, with Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty. It also emphasizes needed leadership in Louisiana at this time, with Robertson showing obvious support for the Vitter campaign.   

Posted on November 12, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, Louisiana.

A Comparison of the Gubernatorial Candidates and the Issues

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Photo source:

You can find a detailed assessment of the candidates and their stances regarding several issues important to the average Louisiana voter here.  Among the highlights of the comparison, the following stand out regarding Vitter and Bel Edwards:

Sen. David Vitter:


  1. Supports Industry Incentives: Supports the oil and gas industry and understands the needs for a competitive and stable tax structure and incentives in order to attract investment to Louisiana. He is open to the idea of bringing back the inactive well incentive.
  2. Against Abusive Lawsuits: Supports the industry’s efforts to bring common sense solutions to end abusive lawsuits that have cost the state tens of thousands of jobs and millions in incentives and have resulted in little to no environmental remediation.
  3. Opposed Levee Board Lawsuit: Supported industry efforts to oppose and end the $10 billion lawsuit against 99 oil and gas companies that was filed by a renegade levee board.
  4. Supports the Office of Conservation: Supports the Office of Conservation as the primary regulatory authority to issue oil and gas permits. He continually supports the efforts of Helis in St. Tammany Parish against small pocket groups of environmentalists that want to ban drilling in their parish.
  5. Fought the Obama Agenda: He led the fight against amnesty for illegals, funding for Planned Parenthood, higher taxes, and spending.
  6. Strongly opposed to Obamacare: Vitter passed legislation to force Obama and Congress to participate themselves in Obamacare. He also refused lucrative taxpayer funded subsidy for himself.
  7. Strong Pro-Second Amendment Advocate: The only candidate rated A+ by the NRA and endorsed by Gun Owners of America.

Rep. John Bel Edwards:

  1. Opposes Incentives: Wants to repeal the horizontal investment incentive that will discourage investment in the most active areas of the state like the Haynesville Shale, the Cotton Valley and ultimately the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale.
  2. Opposes Solutions to Lawsuits: Has opposed every effort by the industry to bring resolution to the Legacy Lawsuit issue through the legislative process.
  3. Opposed Any Legislative Effort to End Suit: Opposed every legislative effort brought by industry to bring an end to the abusive lawsuit brought by the Levee Board.
  4. Supports Efforts of Local Government to Sue: Supports the efforts of local government to sue the Office of Conservation and numerous oil and gas companies in order to block drilling in their parish, granting control to local government over the oil and gas industry.
  5. Edwards is All-in for Obama: Voted for Obama twice; personally nominated Obama again in 2012 at the Democratic National Convention.
  6. Strongly Supports Obamacare: Edwards voted multiple times in support of key Obamacare provisions.
  7. Weak on the Second Amendment: Edwards voted numerous times in support of government restrictions on gun rights.


John Bel Edwards Will Not Be Attending Forum in Baton Rouge Tonight

The following email was sent to various sources last night advising that the Bel Edwards campaign will not be taking part in a discussion on social and economic issues important to people of faith scheduled for Thursday, 11/12/15 in Baton Rouge. 

We have been informed by the Edwards campaign that he will not be in attendance.  We still welcome your attendance at the even as we believe the issues which will be discussed are of great interest to Louisianians. In addition, the event will be streamed live at  

Jefferson Baptist Church, The Louisiana Baptist Message, The Louisiana Family Forum, and Woodlawn Baptist Church have invited both Sen. David Vitter and Rep. John Bel Edwards to this forum.  Vitter has already committed to attending.

Is the reason that Bel Edwards won't be in attendance tonight because he is uncomfortable answering questions from people of faith or have to defend his support of Democrats who are openly opposed to these faith policies?  Just a thought................

Louisiana Governor's Forum in Baton Rouge

A debate has been scheduled for this Thursday, November 12, 2015, between Rep. John Bel Edwards and Sen. David Vitter. This debate is sponsored by local churches in Baton Rouge as well as the Louisiana Baptist Message and the Louisiana Family Forum.  This debate will cover social and economic issues important to people of faith and will be moderated by Lewis Richerson, Lead Pastor at Woodlawn Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, and Will Hall, Editor of the Louisiana Baptist Message in Alexandria, Louisiana.

Sen. Vitter has confirmed his attendance at this meeting, but as of this post, Bel Edwards' campaign has yet to respond.

Just How Low Will John Bel Go and the Military Mom Who Spoke Up

Photo source: NOLA

Photo source: NOLA

If there was any doubt on how low the Democrats will go in order to win the Governor's Office in Louisiana, it was evident this past weekend when John Bel Edwards' campaign released what amounts to, in my words, pure filth.  The accusation by his campaign was that Sen. Vitter put "prostitutes over patriots" while in DC.  In what has to be felt as a proverbial slap in the face, a mother of a slain guardsman is requesting that the video be pulled because of how offensive it really is.

Sen. Vitter has been a staunch advocate for the military.  Vitter, in this particular instance, was able to secure an exemption for this fallen soldier's burial at Arlington.  He was initially denied this honor because his death did not occur in the line of duty, but Vitter ensured that he was given appropriate honor by securing this exemption.

For someone going about promoting his "honor", this is about the most dishonorable thing that could be done by a campaign.  The Democrats and John Bel Edwards should immediately apologize to veterans and their families and this video needs to be taken down, for the sake of "honor."

The Official Litmus Test of the True Conservative

'A House Divided' Revisited - A Letter to Authentic Conservatives of Louisiana

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Photo source:

In 1858, a young America found itself on the verge of disintegrating into the annals of history to join the likes of Rome. Knowing well the stakes were of the highest sort, President Abraham Lincoln, resolved as ever, prevented the eternal downfall of our country by turning to - among other things - a simple truism that was (is) paramount, timeless and universal in nature.  In an historic speech, President Lincoln warned the people of the United States exactly as Jesus once warned his disciples, telling the nation, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”  We all know the rest of the story (or at least we all should).  Now, 157 years later, we Louisiana conservatives find ourselves cast in the lead roles of our own collective story of a house divided amongst three conservative gubernatorial candidates and their respective supporters.  Because our current scenario is also one with vast implications, my fear is that, at the individual level, idealism could carry the day over pragmatism.  This would result in – by default - the handing over of victory to the true opposition by way of a silent minority.  I find that possibility unbelievably unsettling.  Therefore, I challenge anyone dwelling in this political purgatory to act out of reason rather than dogma in this critically polarized run-off.

To ensure victory for Senator David Vitter in the upcoming run-off is to ensure victory for every conservative stakeholder in Louisiana.  Yet - in light of recent news - I have deep concerns that the simplicity of this observation could potentially be lost on enough primary supporters of Lieutenant Governor Jay Dardenne and Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle to indirectly elect as our next Governor a man who actually nominated Barrack Obama for a second term...after witnessing the train wreck that was his first term! Take a moment to let that sink in...

If there is one thing that, in theory, all conservatives have in common, it is the recognition that President Obama’s agenda has sought to erode the foundation of our country and systematically destroy the American way of life.  Therefore, it should be a foregone conclusion that conservatives will do whatever is within their powers to counteract any and all further proliferation of the Obama agenda up-to and including serving defeat to any candidate for high public office who had any part in giving this man the Presidency the first time (much less the second!).  So why are we left with questionable uncertainty as to whether Dardenne's supporters and Angelle and his voters will now be backing David Vitter with an official public endorsement and at the polls? I believe, for many, the answer to this question is rooted in a fallacious allegiance we, as humans, tend to have towards our individual idealisms.  To our dismay, however, idealism only succeeds outside of our current reality and at the expense of real-world solutions.

One need not be Dr. Ben Carson to see that some portion of Dardenne and Angelle backers are disenchanted with the outcome of the primary.  That is to be expected, but such a reaction among voters in this cliché scenario certainly is not exceptional. After a competitive primary where candidates routinely tear each other down, there is always to be expected negative emotional aftermath.  Rejection has occurred for some people at the “expense” of a selection which has been made by the selectors. The selection almost instinctively becomes the negative outlet for the suffering felt by the rejected (See: Dardenne officially endorses Edwards). It is at this very juncture where we as conservatives must lead from that part within us which makes us the complete opposite of liberals to begin with: reason! Perhaps Thomas Sowell better captures the sentiment in which I am here trying to impart when he wrote, “Wishful thinking is not idealism.  It is self-indulgence at best and self-exaltation at worst.  In either case, it is usually at the expense of others.  In other words, it is the opposite of idealism.”  I think we can guess as to what Sowell would say of Dardenne's recent betrayal...  Still, I wonder: what portion of voters who pulled the lever for Dardenne or Angelle last month could be caught up in a similar state of self-indulgent idealism to the point they become, in the eyes of their own party, "traitors?"  I pray that number will turn out to be 0% after the election returns are in... 

Some may retort that my entreaty to every single one of Dardenne’s and Angelle’s supporters (and to Mr. Angelle himself) is null because I am a primary supporter of David Vitter for Governor.  Even in that sense, they would be largely mistaken.  I give my word that, if our current scenario were altered whereby I voted for Vitter (which I did), but either Dardenne or Angelle became the nominee, I would not only vote for whichever gentleman was the nominee, but would go to great lengths to ensure that I convinced every primary Vitter supporter I could find to vote for our party's nominee.  Reason, again, dictates that success is achieved by focusing on solutions rather than “problems.”

I present one final alternative way of looking at this situation in general:  most of us (including myself) can easily lose site of the actual “who” and “what” for which we are voting in the first place.  It’s easy to think that we are voting for a person – a candidate – alone.  Yet the reality is that we are voting for each other concurrently.  When I think of all the candidates whom we've elected who is (also) “voting” for us, I think of Senator David Vitter.  I could be no more pleased with the representation he has made for us in the Senate with his solid, consistent record of representation of his constituency.  How rare is that? Still, I am completely confident that he will make an even better Governor.  We have yet to see the best of Vitter.  I have no doubt!

For anyone still left with a sigh at this point, here is the hard line in the sand, which William F. Buckley, Jr. gave me the words to draw:  “Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the costs become prohibitive.”  Despite our individual ideal outcomes for this race, we are now – like it or not – standing on the ledge of reality.  Since we know what that reality is, we then know the cost of Dardenne, Angelle and their respective supporters not rallying behind David Vitter for Governor because they hoped for a different primary outcome.  That cost would indeed be prohibitive. For one, by withholding support for the sake of making a point will be self-sabotaging for all who do so (join Dardenne at your own risk).  Do I have to even enumerate the myriad of ways in which this is true to my fellow conservatives?  Another - and arguably far worse - reason why not lending full support to Vitter is inherently prohibitive is that such a position (or lack thereof) would be held at the expense of others whom do not deserve to be subjected to such victimization over what is, now, irrelevant (but destructive) political posturing.

I think I speak on behalf of the conservative majority – silent and/or vocal – in applauding the Public Service Commissioner and all of his and Dardenne's supporters for adjusting their sails and pointing the bow of their ships northward.  Louisiana will be all the better for it!  Let's not lose this big-league election because of a small (but still large enough) part of our extended conservative family spent too much time majoring in the minors.  The time for grieving has passed.  It's time now to look toward our future.


Spencer Drury, MBA

St. Francisville

A Letter to Jay Dardenne

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Republican Party of Louisiana Chairman Roger Villere sent the below letter to Lieutenant Governor Jay Dardenne regarding his endorsement of liberal democrat John Bel Edwards for Governor. Following the release of the letter, Chairman Villere issued the following statement: 

“Today, Jay Dardenne became the Nick Saban of Louisiana Politics," Republican Party of Louisiana Chairman Roger Villere said. "After decades of using the Republican Party and its members for his benefit, Jay has decided to end his political career by supporting a candidate who opposes every public policy position that he once espoused. We have a clear choice between John Bel Edwards, a liberal legislator who has a 29 percent lifetime record with Louisiana business or a proven conservative in David Vitter. It is sad that Jay allowed his personal feelings to cause him to betray his party and state. The Republican Party stands firmly behind Senator Vitter, " Villere concluded. 


Louisiana House Republican Delegation Endorse David Vitter

Photo source: Nerdwallet

Photo source: Nerdwallet

The Louisiana House Republican Delegation voted overwhelmingly to endorse U.S. Senator David Vitter for Governor on Tuesday. This endorsement demonstrates the wide support Vitter has amongst Republicans throughout the state.

“Now, more than ever, our state needs a Governor with a proven track record as a conservative reformer,” said House Delegation Chairman and State Representative Lance Harris (R-HD25). “David Vitter has the vision, knowledge, and experience to lead our state. Time and time again, David has stood for conservative values and fought against government waste and corruption. While in the U.S. Senate, David has proven that he puts Louisiana first. We, as a Delegation, stand behind David and support him wholeheartedly in the upcoming election.”

The House Republican Delegation is guided by ten principles which outline its policy platform. Based on the stark differences between Vitter and State Representative John Bel Edwards (D- HD72) on these principles, the House Republican Delegation made the decision to endorse in this race.

“On almost every single issue, David and John Bel differ drastically.” Harris said. “When it comes to education, David supports parental choice and letter grades for schools. John Bel does not. When it comes to our budget, David supports restructuring our budget, reforming welfare, and smart cuts. John Bel does not. Ultimately, the Republican Party stands for conservative values and religious liberty; the Democratic Party platform does not. Our Delegation believes that the choice for Governor could not be clearer.”

Upon learning of the Delegation’s endorsement, Vitter said, “I am honored to have the support of the House Republican Delegation. These legislators understand the enormous challenges we face as a state, and they understand that real leadership is desperately needed. I look forward to working with each of them and the entire Legislature to tackle these challenges head on, with real leadership, so we build a brighter future together.”

The Louisiana House Republican Delegation consists of the 58 Republican State Representatives in the Louisiana House of Representatives. The Delegation is the majority party delegation in the Louisiana House.

The election for Governor will be held on Saturday, November 21, with Early Voting being held November 7 - 14.

Posted on November 4, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, Louisiana.

Republican Lawmaker Voices Support for Sen. David Vitter's Campaign for Governor

Photo source: Facebook

Photo source: Facebook

Below is a post that was made by Rep. Mike Johnson, Louisiana legislator from Benton and a strong Christian believer.  Rep. Johnson highlights some common questions concerning the upcoming election for Louisiana Governor and highlight the differences in the candidates for that office, John Bel Edwards and David Vitter.  I urge everyone who is concerned about this election to read Rep. Johnson's thoughts and to support the conservative candidate in this race, Sen. Vitter.

Many people are calling and writing me to ask for my take on the governor’s race.  For the sake of efficiency, I wanted to articulate my position in one place. Kelly and I are happy to support our longtime friend, Senator David Vitter, and we hope you will help us elect him our next governor on November 21 (or by early voting November 7-14). There are many important reasons why we believe you should make the same choice, because the stakes for Louisiana’s future could not be any higher. What follows here are two important questions that I think should be prayerfully considered.


When we elect a person to the top political post in our state, our primary objective is not to ensure that person has never made a mistake. What we want to confirm is whether the candidates have learned from their past mistakes, how they are living now, and HOW THEY WILL GOVERN.  What is each candidate’s central philosophy of government and what are their positions on the critical public policy issues and challenges at hand?  

David Vitter is a PROVEN conservative who has CONSISTENTLY stood and voted over the years for less government, lower taxes, and traditional American values like religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, and traditional marriage. He is highly intelligent (a Rhodes Scholar and graduate of Harvard and Tulane Law), and is a tireless public servant (e.g., he has personally conducted over 200 town hall meetings in all parishes in Louisiana).  While serving in the U.S. Senate, he has managed to balance and devote ample time to both north and south Louisiana.  

David is not a typical politician. He doesn’t back slap and tell funny stories, and he doesn’t make political promises he can`t keep. He is not part of the Baton Rouge “good ol’ boy” club, and thus he will not be afraid to come into the Capitol and shake things up. He sets goals and achieves them, and he does not suffer fools. When your state is in a crisis, this is exactly the kind of no-nonsense leadership you need.

Opposing David is my legislative colleague John Bel Edwards. The distinction between the philosophies of the two men could not be clearer.  John Bel is the Louisiana leader of the Democrat party, which openly advocates for bigger government, higher taxes, and radically liberal social stances on abortion, the redefinition of marriage, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and all sorts of other leftist policies. They don’t hide it, but rather boast about it in their party platform. (For an objective, side-by-side comparison of the Republican and Democrat platforms on major issues from abortion to taxes, please see this example:  

The contrast between the two parties today is shocking, and John Bel Edwards owns and leads that blue column in Louisiana. He helped to proudly LEAD the campaigns for President Obama and served as his convention delegate to be elected twice. At their last national convention in 2012, the Democrats openly booed the mention of God and Jerusalem. (

As we watched the eleventh horrific Planned Parenthood sting video released to the public this week, I was reminded again of the importance of every governors’ race. While the calloused Planned Parenthood officials giggle about harvesting and selling baby body parts, remember that Barack Obama is the most radically pro-abortion president in U.S. history and he and John Bel’s party supports Planned Parenthood 100%. (Again, see their platform language in the link above.) I’m not sure how anyone can lead two statewide campaigns for Obama in today’s far left Democrat party and then claim to be legitimately “pro-life.”

For the past six years in row, Louisiana has been ranked as the #1 most pro-life state in America. The only way to maintain that status is to elect an ardently pro-life governor who will push good legislation, appoint pro-life department heads, and battle the abortion industry. John Bel Edwards won’t do any of that, because his party platform and its other leaders are vehemently opposed to all of it.  Indeed, in a 2006 survey, John Bel himself called abortion “the freedom of choice,” and earlier this year he said that abortion after the first trimester of pregnancy should NOT be illegal. (

By contrast, David Vitter and his wife, Wendy, have been true champions for life their entire careers.  David will definitely appoint pro-life leaders to top positions, push our legislation, and be the worst nightmare of the abortion cartel.  Most recently, he’s been fighting tooth and nail to stop the construction of the new Planned Parenthood “abortion supercenter” in New Orleans. John Bel has done nothing to fight the supercenter. His party and its platform openly SUPPORT it. (For a revealing exchange between the two candidates on this issue, check out this link to part two of the October 1st gubernatorial debate, beginning at 4:47:

Before the Supreme Court imposed same-sex marriage on our nation and our state this summer (and Obama lit up the White House in rainbow colors), I authored a bill in the Legislature last spring (HB 707) that would simply have prevented the state from ever taking adverse action against Christians or others who have a sincerely held religious belief that marriage should only be between one man and one woman. The bill merely sought to provide a safeguard so the state could never have the power to punish traditional marriage believers by taking away their professional licenses, certifications, accreditation for Christian schools of every denomination, non-profit status for ministries, etc.  One legislator led the dramatic charge to stop my religious liberty bill and get it killed in our Civil Law Committee before it could make it to a full vote on the House floor.  That legislator’s name is John Bel Edwards.  (See my summary of the bill and our exchange at the end of the 3 hr committee hearing, beginning at 2:53:

Again, by contrast, David Vitter openly supported my legislation this year, and has a long legislative record defending religious liberty for decades. He understands the critical nature of this issue more than any other elected official I know, and he is committed to do all within his power to defend this fundamental constitutional right. Sometime in the near future, we expect that a Louisiana pastor or ministry will be on trial for standing by the biblical definition of marriage. When that day comes, we MUST have a governor who will boldly race straight to the front lines with us to defend our “first freedom.”

When the Louisiana ACLU launched an assault this fall on the students and principal of Airline High School, here in my district, my legal organization stepped up to provide a pro bono legal defense.  The ACLU tried to bully the school into submission because the principal closed a newsletter with “God bless you,” and the FCA club wanted to collect prayer requests from fellow students. When the community rallied to pray and stand for the First Amendment, my friend David Vitter was here, on the ground, praying quietly.  It was not a campaign stop, and he never asked or expected to speak or to be announced.  He just wanted to stand in the back and pray in solidarity with those kids and that principal—in defense of religious freedom.  While many public officials around the state (and all other major gubernatorial candidates) spoke out against the ACLU’s rabid intimidation tactics in Bossier, John Bel Edwards was eerily silent. His party and its platform openly SUPPORT the ACLU and its mission.  

Professor Jeff Sadow is one who did a good job this week explaining in The Baton Rouge Advocate why John Bel is no social conservative. (  While the social issues are vitally important considerations, John Bel Edwards and his platform are wrong on virtually every other issue of concern to the people of this state as well. Those views on education, labor, taxes, energy, the environment, illegal immigration and “sanctuary cities”--just to name a few issues--are far out of step with Louisiana. They don’t want you to do your homework before you vote, but you must.

Throughout his career, John Bel Edwards’ voting record has shown a disdain for small business owners and free markets. His lifetime score from the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry is only 25%, which is one of the lowest “F” rankings in our state’s history. (  His policies have been terrible for our critical oil and gas industry and all other business sectors as well.  John Bel wants to raise the minimum wage when 85% of studies since 1990 prove that doing so forces business owners to cut low-skilled jobs and raises the level of unemployment.

In the past few years, John Bel has also voted to create a mechanism to increase collection of taxes on internet sales to Louisiana residents (HB 641, 2011), expand entitlements such as Medicaid (HB 233, 2013), and allow illegal immigrants to receive welfare payments (HB 59, 2011).  While David Vitter declined to accept his Congressional pension, John Bel Edwards voted to double his own legislative pay (SB 672, 2008).   

One of the current PAC ads is hammering John Bel for cutting millions of dollars from education (HB 1, 2010), but there are other concerns about his views on the proper role of public schools. Last year, John Bel voted to authorize the State Department of Education to survey students on their sexual practices (HB 393, 2014), and this summer, I watched in dismay as he helped support a bill to require comprehensive sex education in New Orleans public schools for children as young as 3rd grade (HB 359, 2015).     

I think it is important for me to say here that I like John Bel Edwards as a person.  He and I are colleagues, and we have known each other for almost 20 years. He graduated a year behind me in law school, we have engaged in amicable debates, I have served with him on two legislative committees, and we have publicly stated our mutual respect for one another. However, in spite of our friendship, we are diametrically opposed on many important issues of public policy, and I believe that elevating his philosophies to the Governor's Mansion would be a huge mistake. My opposition to his candidacy is not personal.  I just think a candidate’s voting record matters more than the rhetoric of his campaign.  I don’t oppose John Bel Edwards the man. I oppose his political plans and ideas. If you believe in traditional moral values, religious liberty, and economic freedom, you simply cannot vote to advance Edwards and his party platform.


I hope this is not a news flash, but every single political candidate you have ever supported is an imperfect person and a wretched sinner in need of God’s grace and forgiveness. Every single one.

There will be a lot of heated discussion about the governor’s race between now and the runoff on November 21.  I'd like to submit that those conversations provide my Christian friends with a real opportunity. We may never be given a better moment to discuss the central premise of the Christian faith--that ALL men have fallen short of the glory of God, and every single one of us is in desperate need of the mercy and redemption that is found only in Jesus. Period. If living a sinless life was a prerequisite for public office, every single political post would remain permanently vacant.

As we grow older, we learn in life that people who have truly received and appreciated forgiveness and mercy tend to have more empathy and are more willing to extend grace to others.  Eight years ago, David Vitter confessed to serious sins that he had committed in the past. He owned it, and explained that he had already worked through it with his family years before it became public.  He had asked for forgiveness, worked towards restoration, and sought reconciliation. He was forgiven by God and his extraordinary wife, they saved their marriage, and they are faithful believers. They have a truly inspiring Christian testimony.       

Adultery is a serious sin, indeed, but it is not unforgivable. Jesus said so repeatedly.  In fact, He explained that virtually every single person has been guilty of it at one time or another. (Matt. 5:27-28)  When the Pharisees were about to stone the terrified adulterous woman, Jesus knelt down in the dust before her, drew a line in the sand, and challenged the crowd: “Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone.” (John 8:3-11)  The accusers slipped away one by one, and what follows is one of the most liberating pictures of grace and forgiveness recorded in the Bible: “Then Jesus stood up and said to the woman, ‘Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?’  ‘No, Lord,’ she wept.  And Jesus said, ‘Neither do I. Go and sin no more.’”

Something that has always fascinated me about the Apostle Paul is how he grew in humility as he matured in his faith. As his understanding of and esteem for God increased, his perspective of himself became much more real. At the beginning of his ministry, the man who previously persecuted Christians before he met his Savior was filled with a sense of unworthiness. In 54 A.D., he described himself as “the least of ALL THE APOSTLES.” (1 Cor. 15:9)  Eight years later, he said he was “less than the least of ALL GOD'S PEOPLE.” (Eph. 3:8)  And by 65 A.D., he wrote to Timothy that he saw himself as “the worst of ALL SINNERS in the world!” (1 Tim. 1:15-16)

Thankfully, for Paul and for us, there is more grace in God's heart than there is sin in our past. Because of that amazing grace, every person can be saved, and then grow in that kind of wisdom and humility that made men like Paul the chosen vessels of our Holy God. Though King David committed a series of devastating mistakes after his sin with Bathsheba, he is still described in the Bible as "a man after God's own heart." We can all find tremendous comfort in that.

Sometimes, a baptism of fire is necessary preparation for leadership. Indeed, I am a bit wary of any aspiring leader who has never endured great trial. There is a depth of insight and authenticity that can only be known by one who has limped through the darkest of valleys and emerged with an iron embrace of the love and sovereignty of God. Dark valleys help us to develop the kind of eternal perspective that sustains and satisfies the human heart--and keeps us humble and useful to our Creator.

I know for a fact that David Vitter is already privately assembling an incredible group of some of the most wise and widely-respected pastors in our state, from multiple Christian denominations, to serve in a spiritual advisory capacity once he is elected. This is not something that has been mentioned as a campaign ploy, because it isn’t.  Throughout America’s history, some of the greatest governors and presidents have wisely relied upon small groups of trusted clergy to help keep them humble, faithful, and accountable through the pressures of such public service.  A leader who recognizes such a need is precisely the kind of leader we want. 


I know both David Vitter and John Bel Edwards. They are both good men--and I mean that--but they have fundamentally different ideas about the role of government in our lives and how our state should be run.  It is critically important—now, more than ever—that every voter understands those distinctions.  I think the Edwards policies would be disastrous for Louisiana, its economy, and the traditional values that the people of our state still cherish.

I do believe David Vitter is the best candidate because he is positioned to be the courageous conservative reformer and intelligent leader that our state desperately needs and must have for the next four years.  He has committed that this will be his last political job.  I believe he will be a great governor for our state--not because he is a perfect man, but actually because he is not.  I think he is a wiser, more spiritually mature, and a stronger leader now than he was a decade ago. I believe he emerged from his valley a better man.  And I pray that for all of us.

As Ronald Reagan always reminded our country, “An INFORMED patriotism is what we want.” Before you go to the polls for this runoff on November 21 (or you vote early November 7-14), please ask yourself these important questions: Do you want to keep more of your hard-earned money (Vitter), or pay more to an expanded government in higher taxes (Edwards)? Do you want to support job growth and sound economic policy (Vitter), or increase entitlements and run small businesses out of our state (Edwards)?  Do you want to elect a leader who will go to the mat for life and religious freedom (Vitter), or equivocate on those critical issues to appease his party bosses (Edwards)? 

This election should be about the issues and what direction we desire for our future. The hour is late and the crisis is great, and I pray our people make the correct decision in this critical election. Louisiana’s best days are ahead of us, but we have to advance the right policies in order to reach our potential. I think the choice this time is an easy one: David Vitter for Governor. 

A copy of this post (and all the links) can be accessed at our microsite:

Sen. Ted Cruz Endorses Sen. David Vitter for Louisiana Governor

Photo source: Politico

Photo source: Politico

The following was released today regarding a major endorsement in Sen. David Vitter's run for Louisiana Governor: 

"We are less than one week away from the #1 race in America this fall. And it is not for the U.S. House or Senate, it’s for the next Governor of Louisiana.

I’ve had the pleasure of serving with David Vitter in the U.S. Senate, and he and I have fought side-by-side over and over again. Together, we've led the fight against President Obama's unconstitutional amnesty, and together, we've led the fight to defund Planned Parenthood.

David and I have together led the fight to eliminate the congressional exemption from Obamacare, and just this week we have joined together to lead the fight to eliminate federal funding for “sanctuary cities” who harbor illegal immigrants.

Will you join me in helping elect my colleague and friend, Senator David Vitter?

But that’s not all. He’s thoughtfully been studying how to face the challenges in Louisiana.

He’s passionate about Louisiana, and I know he’ll meet the challenges head on with strong leadership and real solutions. Look, we’re neighbors in Texas, and we share a lot of the same values. Louisiana deserves a governor who will stand up and fight for free-market principles and the Constitution.

I hope you’ll join me supporting David Vitter."

-Ted Cruz

Posted on October 20, 2015 and filed under Louisiana, David Vitter.

Why Is This Lawyer Spending So Much Money Against Vitter's Campaign

Photo source: Louisiana Record

Photo source: Louisiana Record

Trial lawyer John Carmouche, partner in the Talbot, Carmouche & Marcello law firm out of Baton Rouge, has been spending in excess of $1,000,000 to fund a PAC that has been railing against Sen. David Vitter's campaign for Louisiana Governor.  According to this site, Carmouche provided $600,000 in cash and another $500,000 in loans to the Louisiana Water Coalition PAC.  In addition, Carmouche is listed as the only donor to that PAC.

Could this action be the result of Vitter's pledge to enact tort reform within his administration?  And could it also be a result of Carmouche himself making millions in legacy lawsuits against the oil and gas industry?

This is an obvious response by trial lawyers in this state that are seriously concerned about a Vitter win in the Governor's race.  It's also a sign that Vitter will be a force to contend with if he does win the fall election.

Posted on October 2, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, Louisiana.

Why Media Won't Report on Scott Angelle Skipping Public Appearances

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The media loves to point out if Sen. David Vitter misses a forum gubernatorial forum. Vitter has far more reason to miss forums and debates than anyone because of his job in the U.S. Senate requires him to be voting and present in DC most weeks and he has a far more grueling schedule in the state holding town hall meetings, running seven offices, and representing the entire state. 

Scott Angelle, however, has no such excuse. By our count, he's missed at least four gubernatorial forums in the last few weeks. Alliance for Good Government, Campaign for Healthcare for Everyone Gubernatorial Forum, Northshore Old Fashioned Straw Poll and Caucus, and the Region 1 Republican Women Gubernatorial Forum.

But why is he skipping so many and why won't the media cover it?

For one, the more he is out in public, the more questions he is getting about his record. Most people didn't know until recently that he was a lifelong Democrat until 2010 and voted in Obama's first Presidential Primary. And hardly anyone knew about his role in the Bayou Corne Sinkhole or how he quit five days after it collapsed. Voters like to know these things, and Angelle clearly doesn't like to answer. 

The reason the media won't cover it is simple. They have an unhealthy obsession with attacking Sen. Vitter.  We aren't blaming the media for protecting Angelle. We are blaming them for being lazy and only reporting biasedly what they want, which is to attack Vitter. 

Posted on September 30, 2015 and filed under Louisiana, David Vitter.

Vitter Receives Several Key Parish Executive Committee Endorsements

Today, David Vitter's campaign sent out a press release by email indicating that they have secured several key endorsements from Parish Executive Committees.  The following list of parishes have endorsed Vitter in his campaign for Governor of Louisiana.

  • Caddo
  • East Baton Rouge
  •  Iberia
  •  Jefferson
  •  Orleans
  • St. Bernard
  •  St. Tammany

The campaign had the following to say about the endorsements:

Vitter’s opponents have been trying to make inroads in the Shreveport area, but the Caddo endorsement helps shore up Vitter’s support in Northwest Louisiana. Iberia Parish is obviously in PSC Commissioner Scott Angelle’s base, which shows clear signs of weakness for Angelle in his geographical base. Vitter has also received the endorsement of the East Baton Rouge Parish GOP, which is a sign of weakness for Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne in his geographical base. 

Posted on September 23, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, Louisiana.

Vitter Campaign Issues Press Release Regarding Scott Angelle's Time as DNR and Bayou Corne

Photo source:

Photo source:

In what can only be described as a scathing letter, Sen. David Vitter's campaign released an email blasting Scott Angelle's handling of the Bayou Corne sinkhole disaster and subsequent resignation as Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources.  Some of the stronger points of argument made are that since "2010 the DNR had a report showing that the sinkhole posed a threat not long before residents started experiencing earthquakes. Scott Angelle and the DNR did not disclose the failed integrity test."

The full release can be read here.

Posted on September 23, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, Louisiana.

Vitter Releases "Back to Work" Video Regarding Welfare Reform

David Vitter today released another television ad that has been airing statewide. The ad, called “Back to Work,” highlights Vitter's bold plan to reform Louisiana's welfare program.

“Welfare was created to help struggling families get back on their feet. But too often, welfare programs are abused, and this fraud takes resources away from families who rely on the program for survival,” says Vitter. “My plan says if you use your electronic food stamp card – you must show a photo ID. That’s common sense, and it's working in other states.”

Vitter's plan also includes real work requirements and ends taxpayer-funded welfare for violent criminals. Vitter has passed legislation in the U.S. Senate to prevent murderers and rapists from being able to receive food stamps. 

Back in 2014, 500 people robbed Walmart stores of more than $300,000 worth of groceries in Northwest Louisiana after a temporary glitch in the food stamp system eliminated spending limits for Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards.

Posted on September 21, 2015 and filed under David Vitter.

Scott Angelle’s $380,000 Sunoco Job He Doesn’t Want You to Know About

Why won’t Angelle tell anyone about his job with Sunoco

Scott Angelle has been receiving huge sums of compensation, $380,000 a year, for services he provides to Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. since 2012, yet Louisianians know nothing about this job. Recently, when questioned about his involvement with this company, he dodged the questions, even going so far as to provide falsified information to conceal the facts.

  • Angelle was asked about his $380,000 job with Sunoco:

ANGELLE: “I don’t have a job, I’m on the board of directors for a company called Sunoco Logistics.”

  • Angelle was asked if he got the job while serving as DNR secretary.

ANGELLE: “No.”     

  • Angelle was asked if the company he works for did business with Louisiana.

ANGELLE: “Not that I’m aware of.”

  • Angelle was asked if he thought his Sunoco job was a conflict of interest to his jobs in Louisiana.

ANGELLE: “No. I do not.”

More information below.



Scott A. Angelle has been receiving huge sums of compensation for services he provides to Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. since 2012.

Recently, when questioned about his involvement with this company, he dodged the questions, even going as far as to provide falsified information to conceal the facts.

ANGELLE dodges on compensation:

FACT: Scott has made well over a half a million dollars in compensation for his work at Sunoco.

  • Starting in 2013, Angelle’s Annual Compensation From Sunoco Was $380,705. (Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P., Form 10-K, Annual Report, United States Securities And Exchange Commission, Filed 2/27/14)

ANGELLE denies Sunoco recruited him for the job while he was Secretary of DNR:

FACT: During a late 2011 trip to Dallas, while serving as the head of DNR, Scott’s official itinerary states that his official business that day was to meet with “Energy Transfer Company,” Sunoco’s parent company. He stayed less than a mile away from Energy Transfer’s Dallas office and was reimbursed $329.67 by Louisiana’s tax payers.

Scott stepped down from his position at DNR in late 2012 and before the year was finished was sitting on Sunoco’s board of directors.

In October 2011, Angelle Expensed A DNR Trip To Meet With “Energy Transfer Company” In Dallas, TX

Angelle’s Travel Itinerary Shows He Traveled To Dallas In October 2011 To Meet With “Energy Transfer Company.” (Scott Angelle, Travel Itinerary, 10/13/11)

ANGELLE lied and said Sunoco did no business with the state while he was at DNR:

FACT: Scott’s assertion that Sunoco, and its parent company Energy Transfer, had no business before the state during his tenure as Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources is a lie. 

ETP has been a publically traded company since 2004.  Beyond Scott having an official meeting in 2011 while holding the position of DNR secretary at their Dallas office, Sunoco, ETP, and ETE own multiple significant energy related assets in the state of Louisiana and have to file thousands of reports with DNR.

Sunoco Has A Financial Interest In A Pipeline System That Runs Through Louisiana

Sunoco Has “A Controlling Financial Interest In The Mid-Valley Pipeline System Which Owns Approximately 1,000 Miles Of Crude Oil Pipelines” That Passes Through Louisiana.  “We have a controlling financial interest in the Mid-Valley pipeline system which owns approximately 1,000 miles of crude oil pipelines that originate in Longview, Texas and pass through Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio, and terminate in Samaria, Michigan.” (Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P., Form 10-K, Annual Report, United States Securities And Exchange Commission, Filed 2/26/15)

In 2014, Sunoco Reported Owning 1 Active Terminal In Louisiana, With A Storage Capacity of 161,000 Barrels. (Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P., Form 10-K, Annual Report, United States Securities And Exchange Commission, Filed 2/26/15)

ANGELLE Denies there is a conflict of interest with his current LPSC position and his job at Sunoco:

FACTS: The LPSC is a public utility regulatory agency that also describes itself as having the jurisdiction to regulate pipelines.

Angelle was elected to the LPSC late in 2012, at the same time that he was appointed by ETP to serve on Sunoco’s executive board “SUNOCO LOGISTICS PARTNERS L.P. Form 10-K." 2012. (Pg. 118). Coincidence?

Sunoco has some major pipeline projects expected to come online in Louisiana in the very near future. These projects were announced in August 2014.

In February 2015, the LPSC voted to expand its authority over all entities engaged in the transportation of petroleum by pipeline, like the ones that ETP and Sunoco utilize in their business endeavors. Angelle was serving on the PSC board when Sunoco announced the new projects and when the PSC gave themselves more authority. Was Scott Angelle making backroom deals to get this done?

Scott Angelle avoided this vote by conveniently being absent from the room as the votes were taken, returning shortly after completion to continue the commission’s business. If it’s not a conflict of interest, why didn’t he vote? If it is a conflict of interest, why is he still getting paid by Sunoco while serving on the PSC?                                    

WHY IS SCOTT ANGELLE ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT SUNOCO: Is Scott Angelle Sunoco’s Louisiana insider to get them sweetheart deals through his elected position on the LPSC? Did Scott Angelle help get Sunoco’s new projects for Louisiana approved in any way? Why would ETP, and the top executives of the company, be pumping $80,000 of campaign contributions into his campaign for Governor?

Posted on September 17, 2015 and filed under Scott Angelle, David Vitter, Louisiana.