Posts filed under Joe Biden

KENNEDY: Democrats and White House Started the Defund and Disrespect the Police Movement

Sen. John Kennedy, LA, has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration and Democrats, in general, regarding the “defunding the police” movement. Just last month, his office released the following:

WASHINGTON – Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) today addressed rising crime rates Americans are experiencing in the wake of Pres. Biden’s soft-on-crime policies.

Kennedy outlined the four steps needed to reduce crime in Louisiana and American communities:

- Hire more police officers.

- Keep police officers on the force.

- Get rid of prosecutors whose attitude is, “Hear no evil. See no evil. Prosecute no evil.”

- Stop disrespecting the police.

Key excerpts from Kennedy’s statement include:

“Long term, we can debate the solutions to crime, but short term, in my judgment, we have to do three things. Number one: We've got to hire more cops.”

“Number two: We're going to have to stop the retirements among our police officers. They're retiring in droves.”

“The third thing we need to do to get control of crime [won't] cost any money, but it may be the most difficult of all three of the things we have to do. We have to improve the morale of our cops, and that starts with our elected officials.

“But I think that if you talk to most moms and dad in this country, and ask them what are they worried about when they lie down to sleep at night and can’t, I don’t think they’re worried about proper pronoun usage. I don’t think they’re worried about the president’s war against oil production in America. I think they’re more worried about their job and the economy and inflation, and I think they’re worried about crime.”

“And you’re not going to get control of crime until you keep the cops you have, you add more cops and you stand behind your cops when they’re right, which is 99.9 percent of the time. And folks, that doesn’t cost money.

“…We have sent a breathtaking amount of money to state and local government. I mean, they’ve got more money now than they’ve ever had in their entire histories, adjusted for inflation. They’ve got the money to do this.”

View Kennedy’s complete remarks here.

Yesterday, while on Fox News, Kennedy continued on his focus on this issue by reiterating his stance on defunding and disrespecting of law enforcement.

Posted on October 5, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden, Law Enforcement, John Kennedy.

Republicans, focus midterms on Biden errors and don't say anything stupid

Photo source: Cook Political Report

It’s finally September, and that means we are about to hit the fourth quarter of our midterm election season. Labor Day marks the traditional beginning of the period when it actually matters what candidates do and say. Everyone is paying attention now and every news cycle counts. For months, the "experts" in Washington, D.C., predicted a red wave for Republicans in November but now the very same "experts" are having second thoughts. 

In March, the Wall Street Journal’s generic ballot poll – conducted by Trump pollster and my friend Tony Fabrizio – showed Republicans ahead five points. Last week, the same poll had Democrats up three. A staggering political shift in just six months. 

Let me be clear. President Joe Biden is NOT responsible for his party’s shifting fortunes. The midterms are no longer a referendum on his thin record. Instead, we now have a choice election with a GOP brand that has seen much better days. 

Read more: Republicans, focus midterms on Biden errors and don't say anything stupid

Posted on September 23, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden.

WSJ: Biden’s Cancer ‘Moonshot’ Contradiction

By the Editorial Board

President Biden this week gave a speech promoting his Cancer Moonshot initiative and a new government health agency that he says will drive treatment breakthroughs. As usual, he gave no credit to drug makers that are producing game-changing treatments such as Amgen’s Lumakras for lung cancer. 

Lung cancer kills more Americans than any other cancer. The five-year survival rate is a mere 18.6% and 5% for advanced forms. Treatments targeting particular protein or gene mutations have improved survival odds for breast, melanoma and some other cancers. But cancers driven by a mutation in the KRAS gene have eluded these breakthroughs, and lung cancer is one of them.

The KRAS gene regulates cell growth and division, and mutations are found in many tumors, including 32% of lung and 90% of pancreatic cancers. Yet the KRAS protein has long been considered “undruggable” because its small size and smooth surface are difficult for drug molecules to block. Amgen’s Lumakras pill proves it can be done.

The Food and Drug Administration last May approved Lumakras under its accelerated approval pathway for patients with advanced non-small lung cancer bearing a particular KRAS gene mutation. Results from early trials showed promise and this week were borne out by a late-stage trial that showed more than twice as many patients responded to the drug than they did to chemotherapy.

A quarter of patients receiving Lumakras lived at least a year without their cancer getting worse compared to 10% who received chemotherapy. Survival benefits were hard to assess since a third of the chemotherapy patients received Lumakras after their disease progressed. Amgen also announced results from a separate small trial this week showing Lumakras may help patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. 

The drug is by no means a cure, but progress occurs at the margin and some patients who had what amounted to a death sentence now have hope to live. Lumakras is also much less brutal than chemotherapy. 

Yet the drug might not have been developed had the Medicare take-it-or-leave-it negotiations that Democrats recently enacted been in effect earlier. Their price controls will penalize in particular small-molecule drugs like Lumakras that have the potential to help large numbers of patients. Within six years, Lumakras could be targeted by bureaucrats for price controls and the payoff on Amgen’s investment could vanish. 

Mr. Biden’s price-control policy contradicts his desire to promote faster cancer cures. The damage will come in slower therapies and patients who might have been saved. 

Read more: Biden’s Cancer ‘Moonshot’ Contradiction

Posted on September 19, 2022 and filed under Drugs, Joe Biden.

GABBARD: Biden Treats GOP Like They're Terrorists

Posted on September 13, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden, Tulsi Gabbard.

KENNEDY: POTUS Is About as Popular as Scurvy

Posted on September 8, 2022 and filed under John Kennedy, Joe Biden.

LAGOP: Biden's Speech Last Night Was Dangerous and Disrespectful to Millions of Americans

Last night we were treated to just over twenty-four minutes of an angry, bitter, and downright nasty campaign speech by Joseph Biden. The speech was delivered to a smallish crowd within Independence Hall against an odd blood-red backdrop as he was inappropriately flanked by two marines, who should not have been present for a campaign speech. It was obviously intended to be the opening phase of the final push by the Democrats to preserve their majorities in both chambers of Congress.

Like so much else that has gone wrong with this presidency, the speech was a failure, but it was not just a simple political mistake. No, in fact it did terrific damage to a sorely divided nation and worsened a widening partisan divide. Under the pretense of attempting to bring the country together (under Democrat control, of course), Biden had the temerity to demonize the seventy-four MILLION American voters who pulled the lever for Donald Trump in 2020.

He persisted throughout the speech in accusing the Republicans of every sin that the Democrats had been flagrantly committing for years- lawlessness and disrespect for the police, class hatred, undermining respect for our governmental institutions and elections, etc., etc. Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister of the Third Reich, once wrote, “If you tell a lie, tell a big one.” Goebbels would have heartily approved of the Democrats’ political tactic of accusing your opponent of every sin your side was committing in spades. On a human level, the psychiatrist Sigmund Freud called this “projection,” the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds.

“Equality and democracy are under assault,” Biden railed, and indeed they are, but not by Republicans. He then went on to assert that “MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution…” even as we fight to preserve it. He accused Republicans of “a willingness to engage in political violence…” ignoring the tens of billions of dollars in damage and dozens of lives lost in over a hundred riots instigated or condoned by Democrats. “We are in a battle for the soul of this nation….” Well, he got that one right.

Insurrection was the underlying theme of his speech, even though the publicly acknowledged intention of Joe Biden’s administration has been to “transform” the country against the wishes of the great majority of its citizens. (He somehow failed to mention this goal during his campaign.) But as stated above, the greatest fault of the speech was his repeatedly expressed view that his Republican opponents (you know, the folks who make up the party founded in 1854 which opposed slavery and then saved the Union), are disloyal and dangerous Americans. For this alone Joe Biden can never be forgiven.

Perhaps the only (unintended) lighter moment of the speech occurred when Biden asserted “I give you my word as a Biden, I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future…” This from the man who cheated in law school, plagiarized his speeches, reversed his positions on virtually every major issue he espoused over a fifty year political career, and then ran for the presidency of the United States under false pretenses as a moderate Democrat!

I would never have voted for Biden even if I were a Democrat because of his repeated moral failings, his advanced years and obvious mental decline, and of course Obama’s warnings about his inadequacies for the job back when Joe was his vice president. But last night Joe Biden cemented his position as one of the two or three very worst presidents in our nation’s history, and he is trending downwards from there.

May our country survive this presidency!

Republican Party of Louisiana

Posted on September 2, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden, LAGOP.

LAGOP: Biden Bails Out the Rich

So Joe Biden claims that he has the authority to “forgive” student loans. He is proposing to forgive $10,000 for most borrowers of student loans and $20,000 for recipients of Pell grants. He has been threatening this action for some time; at one point he seemed to be playing with the idea of forgiving all outstanding student loans. Now that would be quite an undertaking, because total student indebtedness is now over $1.6 trillion. Wiser heads have apparently prevailed over Joe’s more outlandish scheme, at least for the time being.

There are problems with Joe’s plan, however: Many legal experts think he is overreaching his authority. While they admit that he has the power to delay loan repayments during a crisis, they do not believe that he has the authority to forgive the loans outright. And it is a stretch at this late date to even use COVID-19 pandemic relief as an excuse to burden the taxpayer (you) with an additional half-trillion dollars in national debt.

No less an “authority” than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has publicly stated that while the President may delay the repayment of student loans in a crisis, only Congress can actually forgive them. Now this would not be the first time that the Biden administration and Democrat congressional leadership has been unable to coordinate on messaging, but who’s counting?

Perhaps Joe Biden hoped that no one would care very much about a mere half-trillion dollar loan forgiveness scheme which would help the college educated at the expense of the folks who didn’t go to college, paid their own way through college, or paid off their student debt. Like many of his political calculations this one turned out to be dead wrong, but so what? He can take credit for aiding a bunch of totally out of touch woke colleges which aren’t preparing their students for the real world, and no one will likely notice that his action will fuel the increasing cost of a college education well into the next generation.

You can understand his reasoning: In the twenty months of his administration, Uncle Joe has passed several trillion dollar bills through Congress (American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Inflation Reduction Act), and run up hundreds of billions in more debt with his off-the-cuff, poorly thought out executive actions and administrative orders. So what’s the big deal about a mere half-trillion dollars?

Well, actually, this is a big deal, because Joe Biden was already well on track to exceed Barack Obama’s 2009-2017 deficit spending rampage, during which time Obama added $8.6 trillion dollars to a national debt which in the previous two hundred and thirty-three years of our nation’s history had only accumulated to $10.6 trillion. (The current national debt is over $30 trillion dollars!)

You see, the present hot mess isn’t just the result of electing a doddering and morally compromised rascal to the presidency of the United States. Running up gobsmacking deficits in pursuit of their social engineering goals is what the Democrats do. And they’ll keep doing it until they are stopped, and the country’s economic and social health be damned in the meantime.

The simple fact is that we cannot sustain Biden and the Democrats’ level of spending without soon suffering a catastrophic inflationary spiral which would wipe out the accumulated savings of the American people and cost us our position as the world’s lender of last resort. The existential problem that we face is that the Biden administration is not yet half-way through its term, and God help us if there is more than one.

All the more reason to vote Republican on November 8th. This election isn’t just about halting the collapse of the world economic order and avoiding the threat of major war. It’s also about losing your life savings and having to start over from scratch, and leaving your children to face diminished prospects in a diminished world. We can’t let that happen!

Louis Gurvich, Chairman
Republican Party of Louisiana

Posted on September 1, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden, LAGOP.

LOGA Responds to Permanent Injunction Issued on Biden Ban on New Oil And Gas Leasing

BATON ROUGE, LA (August 30, 2022) - Yesterday, U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty sided with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and 12 other states in a Louisiana-led lawsuit, issuing a permanent injunction against the Biden administration’s moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal lands and water.

In response, LOGA President Mike Moncla issued the following statement:

“This ruling is a huge win for domestic energy production in the Gulf of Mexico. The Biden administration, from the day he was sworn in, has declared war on the oil and gas industry.

Prices at the pump have skyrocketed. Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been depleted. We’ve slowly become less and less energy independent. Now, we can get back to being the energy powerhouse of the world.

I’m relieved to see that our system of checks and balances saw to it that Biden way overstepped his authority when banning these lease sales.

I’d like to thank Attorney General Jeff Landry for his diligent work in fighting for domestic production in the Gulf of Mexico.”

Posted on August 30, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden, Jeff Landry, Louisiana, Oil and Gas.

Mark Zuckerberg reveals FBI prompted Facebook to suppress Hunter Biden laptop story

The Federal Bureau of Investigation told social media companies to brace for impending misinformation shortly before the publication of an accurate story about a discarded laptop belonging to President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed Thursday in an interview with podcaster Joe Rogan.

“Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us — some folks on our team and was like, ‘Hey, um, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert,’” Zuckerberg recalled to Rogan. “There was the — we thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump of — that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant.’”

Read more: Mark Zuckerberg reveals FBI prompted Facebook to suppress Hunter Biden laptop story

Posted on August 30, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden.

Nearly 75% of Americans think the US is headed in the WRONG direction under Joe Biden and more than half worry country's best years are in the past, NBC poll shows

Nearly three-quarters of Americans think the United States is heading in the wrong direction under President Joe Biden, according to yet another bad poll for the president ahead of the midterm elections.

Despite grappling with low favorability ratings for much of his first term already, Biden's popularity experienced a deep downturn in recent months amid growing pessimism over the economy.

Now, a whopping 74 percent of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, while just 21 percent feel the nation is headed in the right direction, according to a new survey from NBC News. 

Read more: Nearly 75% of Americans think the US is headed in the WRONG direction under Joe Biden and more than half worry country's best years are in the past, NBC poll shows

Posted on August 22, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden.

Biden’s Civil War on Energy Is Leaving Endless Collateral Damage in Its Wake

President Joe Biden has declared he will “end fossil fuel.” Presidents have declared war on everything from poverty to drugs, but his declaration is much more sinister. His is really a civil war.

Read more: Biden’s Civil War on Energy Is Leaving Endless Collateral Damage in Its Wake

Posted on August 18, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden, Oil and Gas.

Oversight Committee Republicans Working to Stop Biden’s Effort to Weaponize the FBI

Posted on August 11, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden.